Three days, 200 talks, now finished.
Embu jifikilie kila mtu mmoja mmoja duniani anapata fursa bure ya kuwa na weledi wa kibinadamu #wikimania2014
Huisha: TazamaRatiba!
Angalia nani anakuja:Enyi walimwengu!
Wikimania ni kitu gani?
Wikimania ni mjumuiko wa 2000 + Mkutano wa watu, tamasha,mikutano, warsha na kusherehekea, yote hayo katikasiku tano za mwezi wa nane 2014, utatanguliwa na kufuatiwa na matukio yafringe ni tukio maalum la kila mwaka la harakati za Shirika la Wikimedia, ambapo utagundua wale wotu ambao hufanya miradi mbalimbali ya wiki, kama vile kukutana na wanajumuiya wakiwamo watu maalufu kabisa wa miradi ya wiki, Wkipedia!
Tukio la kipekee linafanyika ukumbi wa Barbican katika jiji la London, UK. Wote mnakaribishwa, bila kujali wewe ni mahili, mshiriki kwa mara ya kwanza, shabiki ama vinginevyo!
State of the Wiki
An annual update on the Wikimedia projects
Wikipedia is a household name — in fact, it’s now one of the five most popular websites in the world, clocking over 21 billion hits every month. With over 110m pages across 287 languages, and a dozen sister projects including dictionaries, newspapers, multimedia repositories and travelguides, it's come a long way since its founding in 2001; the community has grown, the technology has developed, and the organisation has matured. However, there are still sweeping changes to come. more…
Jimmy Wales
mwanzilishi wa Wikipedia -
Lila Tretikov
Mkurugenzi Mtrndaji wa Shirika la Wikimedia -
Brandon Harris
Senior Designer at the Wikimedia Foundation -
Erik Möller
VP of Engineering at the Wikimedia Foundation -
Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel at the Wikimedia Foundation
Social Machines
How can online communities unlock humanity's potential?
Miradi ya Wikimedia ina jumla ya makala bilioni 21kila mwezi ambayo huchangiwa na zaidi ya watumiaji wasiopungua milioni 30, huingizwa katika miradi mikubwa mitano ya tolwi, na moja ya mitandao mikubwa ya kijamii. Namna gani miradi hii hufanya kazi, na nmna gani huendana na ukubwa huo? zaidi...
Sir Nigel Shadbolt
Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Chairman Open Data Institute -
Yaneer Bar-Yam
President of The New England Complex Systems Institute -
Raph Koster
Virtual Community Designer -
Marc-André Pelletier
Operations Engineer (Tool Labs) at the Wikimedia Foundation -
Salil Shetty
Secretary General Amnesty International
The Future of Education
Now that Wikipedia's done everyone's homework, what's left to teach?
To the exasperation of many teachers, Wikipedia is the first port of call for millions of students from primary school to university. Its sheer convenience is challenging standard pedagogical approaches that implicitly assume information is scarce and difficult to duplicate. What if teachers asked students to contribute to Wikipedia instead? more…
David White
Head of Technology Enhanced Learning at the University of the Arts London -
Clare Sutcliffe
CEO of Code Club -
Emma Mulqueeny
Founder of Rewired State -
Diana Strassmann
Chair of The Board of The Wiki Education Foundation
Open Data
What can we build when the sum of all human knowledge is machine readable?
Wikidata is a new project of the Wikimedia Foundation: a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the other Wikimedia projects, and well beyond that. This may become one of the best open data repositories on Earth — what can we do with it? more…
Rufus Pollock
Co-Founder of the Open Knowledge Foundation -
Lydia Pintscher
Wikidata Product Manager -
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Professor at the Oxford Internet Institute -
Chris Taggart
CEO of OpenCorporates -
Markus Krötzsch
Research Group Leader at TU Dresden -
Richard Stirling
International Director at the Open Data Institute
Open Scholarship
What happens when the cutting edge of human knowledge is available to all?
In 2013 alone over 500,000 pieces of scholarly research were made open access, across all disciplines — an unprecedented number. These are all citable in Wikipedia, meaning they can be integrated into the encyclopaedia, contextualised and made discoverable by anyone in the world with an internet connection. This level of accessibility of cutting edge research has never existed before in history, and the possible outcome of empowering citizen scientists and opening up academia in this way is beyond reckoning. more…
Jack Andraka
Citizen Scientist & Inventor -
Elizabeth Marincola
CEO of The Public Library of Science -
Peter Murray-Rust
Shuttleworth Fellow in Machine Readable Open Access
Democratic Media
Must all media be commercially driven?
Media performs an essential political, social, economic, and cultural function in modern democracies. In such societies, media are the principal source of political information and access to public debate, and the key to an informed, participating, self-governing citizenry. Democracy requires a media system that provides people with a wide range of opinion and analysis and debate on important issues, reflects the diversity of citizens, and promotes public accountability of the powers-that-be and the powers-that-want-to-be. There is a growing sense that the growth of the Internet has not paid the democratic dividends that it could. more…
Heather Ford
Co-founder of Creative Commons South Africa" -
Danny O'Brien
International Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation -
Dan Gillmor
Author of "Mediactive" -
Bill Thompson
BBC Archives -
Carl Miller
Research Director Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos -
Ryan Merkley
CEO at Creative Commons
Media Partners
If you are interested in sponsoring next year's Wikimania, please contact

Wikimania was made possible by the 1000s of hours of work by 100s of volunteers