簽證/有效性 (按國家)
大不列顛和北愛爾蘭聯合王國,簡稱英國(UK)是歐盟(European Union / EU)成員國之一。所有歐盟成員國公民可持有效旅行證明(護照或歐盟身份證)免簽進入英國3個月。
Given the high throughput of air traffic, the UK is a highly accessible country. Those travelling from North America, Japan, Australasia, and most of Latin America do not not normally require a visa to visit the UK. Many people from other regions will also be able to visit the UK without a visa.
瞭解您何時需要簽證,https://www.gov.uk/check-uk-visa。Note that a general visitor (tourist) visa is sufficient to attend and participate in Wikimania, which is not considered to be "unpaid work". The typical cost for a short-term general visitor visa is £83.[1] Check https://www.gov.uk/visa-fees for the cost in your local currency. Wikimedia UK may be able to act as a sponsor for those that require sponsorship in order to get a visa.
The following individuals can enter the United Kingdom without a visa:
- Citizens of Commonwealth countries who have the right of abode in the United Kingdom under the Immigration Act 1971
- Citizens of European Union member states
- Citizens of non-EU member states of the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland
- British Nationals (whether they have the right of abode in the United Kingdom or not) of the following categories:
Furthermore, citizens of all the countries listed below have visa-free access to the EU, including the UK, for at least 90 days:
- 歐盟成員國
- 非歐盟國家