Fringe/Open Scholarship Weekend/Agenda

This is the Agenda for the Open Scholarship Weekend, 19-20 July

Saturday 19 July

In the Frobisher Room 1.

Time What Facilitator
9:30-9:45 Welcome, set expectations Fabian
9:45-10:15 Activity:
10:15-10:45 Activity:
10:45-11 Break n/a
11-12:15 Activity:
12:15-1 Lunch n/a
1-1:15 Activity:
1:15-1:30 Activity:
1:30-1:45 Activity:
1:45-2:15 Activity:
2:15-3:15 Activity:
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4 Activity:
4-4:30 Activity:
4:30-5 Wrap-up of Day 1 (pluses & improvements), looking ahead to Day 2

Group dinner/drinks?

Sunday 20 July

Time What Facilitator
10-10:15 Activity:
10:15-noon Activity:
noon-1 Lunch n/a
1-2:30 Activity:
2:30-2:45 Break n/a
2:45-3:45 Activity:
3:45-4 Activity:
4-5 Wrap-up of Day 2: Looking ahead to Open Scholarship at Wikimania